Saturday, February 1, 2014
Super-Zero Double Shot #1
Contains Comics #1 and #2
Issue #1: Alphaman is recruited by a kindly old woman to find her lost cat Whiskers. But when the cat proves elusive, our hero suspects there's more to Whiskers than meets the eye. Can Alphaman save the day by solving The Mystery of the Missing Cat? Find out in this action and laugh packed extravaganza!
Issue #2: When a town's clocks mysteriously stop one minute before three, its children are stuck in school on the last day before vacation! Can Alphaman discover who's behind this diabolical development and free the children for summer fun? Only readers of these exciting exploits will know!
Perfect bound, 6.625 x 10.25 in. 32 pages, b/w, all ages. $5.99 plus shipping. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery (US shipping only).